I have updated over the years on how many important people in AI read and follow LessWrong and the associated meme-space. I agree marginal discussion does not make a big difference. I also think overall all discussion still probably didn’t make enough of a difference to make it net-negative, but it was substantial enough to cause me to think for quite a while on whether it was worth it overall.
I agree with you that the future costs seem marginally lower, but not low enough to make me not think hard and want to encourage others to think hard about the tradeoff. My estimate of the tradeoff came out on the net-positive side, but I wouldn’t think it would be crazy for someone’s tradeoff to come out on the net-negative side.
I have updated over the years on how many important people in AI read and follow LessWrong and the associated meme-space. I agree marginal discussion does not make a big difference. I also think overall all discussion still probably didn’t make enough of a difference to make it net-negative, but it was substantial enough to cause me to think for quite a while on whether it was worth it overall.
I agree with you that the future costs seem marginally lower, but not low enough to make me not think hard and want to encourage others to think hard about the tradeoff. My estimate of the tradeoff came out on the net-positive side, but I wouldn’t think it would be crazy for someone’s tradeoff to come out on the net-negative side.