One thing I forgot to include in the post was that I enjoyed the workshop so much that I intend to try to bring it to the Bay Area (likely to be specifically held in Berkeley) in 2020 if that doesn’t happen otherwise so that more Bay Area AI safety researchers (current and aspiring) will have an easy opportunity to participate in it. This doesn’t require a lot of money but it does a little bit, mostly to pay for Linda’s travel, accommodations, time, and energy (I expect I can arrange for space for little to no money, as well as cheap accommodations for participants who would be traveling).
If that sounds interesting either let me know via private message or comment here. If you’re interested in financially contributing to putting something like that on (my estimate is it will cost no more than $5000 total, and probably less), also reach out to me via private message.
One thing I forgot to include in the post was that I enjoyed the workshop so much that I intend to try to bring it to the Bay Area (likely to be specifically held in Berkeley) in 2020 if that doesn’t happen otherwise so that more Bay Area AI safety researchers (current and aspiring) will have an easy opportunity to participate in it. This doesn’t require a lot of money but it does a little bit, mostly to pay for Linda’s travel, accommodations, time, and energy (I expect I can arrange for space for little to no money, as well as cheap accommodations for participants who would be traveling).
If that sounds interesting either let me know via private message or comment here. If you’re interested in financially contributing to putting something like that on (my estimate is it will cost no more than $5000 total, and probably less), also reach out to me via private message.