The hypothesis is that the stars aren’t real, they’re just an illusion or a backdrop put their by superintelligences so we don’t see what’s actually going on.
If that’s the case, then I’d like to break out by building our own superintelligence to find and exploit whatever weaknesses might exist in the SIs that are boxing us in, or failing that, negotiate with them for a share of the universe. (Presumably they want something from us, or else why are they doing this?) Does that answer your question?
BTW, I’m interested in the “good arguments” that you mentioned earlier. Can you give a preview of them here?
If that’s the case, then I’d like to break out by building our own superintelligence to find and exploit whatever weaknesses might exist in the SIs that are boxing us in, or failing that, negotiate with them for a share of the universe. (Presumably they want something from us, or else why are they doing this?) Does that answer your question?
BTW, I’m interested in the “good arguments” that you mentioned earlier. Can you give a preview of them here?