I lucked into a circumstance where I could more easily justify ditching a phone for a bit. Otherwise, I would not have had the mental fortitude to voluntarily go without one.
I most likely won’t follow through with this (90% certainty), even though I want to.
I’m wondering if there is some LW content on this concept, I’m sure others have dealt with it before. You might need to take a drastic measure to make this option more attractive. A similar technique was actually used by members of the NXIVM Cult, they called it collateralization.
Now that I’ve read this, I really want to go for an extended period without my phone.
I most likely won’t follow through with this (90% certainty), even though I want to.
I lucked into a circumstance where I could more easily justify ditching a phone for a bit. Otherwise, I would not have had the mental fortitude to voluntarily go without one.
I’m wondering if there is some LW content on this concept, I’m sure others have dealt with it before. You might need to take a drastic measure to make this option more attractive. A similar technique was actually used by members of the NXIVM Cult, they called it collateralization.
I wondered the same thing. Collateralisation sounds similar to commitment devices, I could try this!
On another note, how long did it take before you started noticing the benefits of being phone-less?