You could certainly lure, but could you retain? Memes wanting to parasitize the ready supply of children would have to get extra-tasty. This may or may not be a good thing.
I’m assuming the rules on abuse start out the same, but I think they’d shift. For some things, “so jump ship” would be the answer, and the severity of legal disapproval would decrease. I think the law would quickly increase the penalties for brainwashing, as it would be viewed as an attempt to game the system—nobody likes a cheat.
You could certainly lure, but could you retain? Memes wanting to parasitize the ready supply of children would have to get extra-tasty. This may or may not be a good thing.
I’m assuming the rules on abuse start out the same, but I think they’d shift. For some things, “so jump ship” would be the answer, and the severity of legal disapproval would decrease. I think the law would quickly increase the penalties for brainwashing, as it would be viewed as an attempt to game the system—nobody likes a cheat.
You could be right. I like the sound of that!