Lots of interesting ideas here. Thanks and massive respect for taking the time to think this through and write it up.
>D-, D, C-, C, C, C, B-, B, B, B+
What would have been required for have someone score an “A” ?
Both from the participant themselves, and from you structurally? Did you need different people? Or could the top people who participated have graded out at the top with different or better structure? Etc.
Again, big thanks and regards for the honest reflection.
I feel like there were combinations of people that could’ve produced an A. Like, I can imagine taking a liiiiiittle bit of the personality of one person and layering it in over the core motivation of another, and saying “yep, that’s an A right there.”
Some people had the right spirit, but had too few spoons.
Some people had the right ideas, but didn’t follow through.
Some people had the right connections with the rest of the house, but didn’t put forth energy.
Some people poured out their heart and soul, but didn’t have good judgment.
Some people waited too long for leadership, and didn’t step up; others stepped up too hard, and pulled in the wrong directions.
Some people were too chill, and others weren’t chill enough.
I think in order for me to get an A, I would’ve needed to get more of the ops and logistics down prior to the start date, and I would’ve needed to have the confidence or moral authority to push through the Red Knight, rein in the White Knight, and send the Black Knight away. That, plus a little more consistency and follow-through on a couple of core experiments, and I would’ve given myself an A even if the overall project still didn’t succeed.
As for the other Dragons, I think the pieces were there. But structurally, I didn’t build the right tubes for people’s individual magic mojo to flow into and infect one another. Instead, everyone continued to be their own sort of awesome, and nobody really got imbued with the awesome of their fellow peers.
Lots of interesting ideas here. Thanks and massive respect for taking the time to think this through and write it up.
>D-, D, C-, C, C, C, B-, B, B, B+
What would have been required for have someone score an “A” ?
Both from the participant themselves, and from you structurally? Did you need different people? Or could the top people who participated have graded out at the top with different or better structure? Etc.
Again, big thanks and regards for the honest reflection.
I feel like there were combinations of people that could’ve produced an A. Like, I can imagine taking a liiiiiittle bit of the personality of one person and layering it in over the core motivation of another, and saying “yep, that’s an A right there.”
Some people had the right spirit, but had too few spoons.
Some people had the right ideas, but didn’t follow through.
Some people had the right connections with the rest of the house, but didn’t put forth energy.
Some people poured out their heart and soul, but didn’t have good judgment.
Some people waited too long for leadership, and didn’t step up; others stepped up too hard, and pulled in the wrong directions.
Some people were too chill, and others weren’t chill enough.
I think in order for me to get an A, I would’ve needed to get more of the ops and logistics down prior to the start date, and I would’ve needed to have the confidence or moral authority to push through the Red Knight, rein in the White Knight, and send the Black Knight away. That, plus a little more consistency and follow-through on a couple of core experiments, and I would’ve given myself an A even if the overall project still didn’t succeed.
As for the other Dragons, I think the pieces were there. But structurally, I didn’t build the right tubes for people’s individual magic mojo to flow into and infect one another. Instead, everyone continued to be their own sort of awesome, and nobody really got imbued with the awesome of their fellow peers.