Sorry, what? I’m missing how this is relevant. Is it that you expect to need significantly more kindness if you are below average in an IQ 140 society than a IQ 100 society? Or do you expect the “kindness waterline” to fall as IQs rise?
I was assuming that a lot of random factors go into a society, so I’d want to have some idea of the particular society I might be joining. It might be kinder, it might be less kind.
Sorry, what? I’m missing how this is relevant. Is it that you expect to need significantly more kindness if you are below average in an IQ 140 society than a IQ 100 society? Or do you expect the “kindness waterline” to fall as IQs rise?
I was assuming that a lot of random factors go into a society, so I’d want to have some idea of the particular society I might be joining. It might be kinder, it might be less kind.