Emphasize exciting positive results. Replace coercion with market forces as much as possible. Don’t spend any time and effort on culling after birth, rather emphasize drastically increasing the production of the kinds of people you want to add.
Have a character who is one of the last to have some difficult genetic disease. Have his parents as people who avoided fixing his embryo in utero for religious or other bad reasons.
Show the virtual eradication of poverty, not by decimating the ranks of poor children, but by multiplying the ranks of those who can form productive enterprises. Show a world in which labor is in a constant demand because of the surfeit of new productive ideas.
Push out the genomes of the successful. Jobs and Gates and Clinton and Mother Theresa and Jackson (Reggie and Michael) shouldn’t have had a few kids, they should have had tens of thousands. The low hanging fruit in eugenics does not require the latest books on breeding animals because we haven’t even exploited the simple steps of having our best humans duplicated by the thousands throughout our herd.
Have examples of how a seemingly bad result of eugenics, perhaps thousands of Saddam Hussein or Mao or Qaddafi clones, winds up working well. Qaddafi clones produce a Libya that cannot be easily dominated by a single talented but bad actor. Mao clones produce a flourishing of political genius that must compete for hearts and minds, since with thousands of them the only way to get a coalition that might control is to have strong principles of inclusion of many of the mao clones in the share power. The skills which in a monopoly situation produce dominance wind up producing so much more when put in the qualitatively different situation where there are thousands of competitors with similar high skill levels.
Another quick win: bursting out millions of high quality embryos that also have a tendency to want to carve out their piece of the world before having one or two or three children that can 1) be groomed with high parental investment, 2) produce whatever positive result the parents hope for from children. Perhaps we are two generations in and the Indian untouchables are now the richest group in India because they embraced the implant of high quality embryos rather than natural overproduction of nearly random people. That high quality program took place and succeeded because it was positively developed: 1) the implanted embryo started from the moms and dads genes, but with perhaps a somewhat standardized set of modifications, so it was “their kid,” 2) part of the feature of these embryos is they were bred to be very family oriented, i.e. you would have very smart capable children who were very interested in helping the parents in their dotage, 3) it was the “best job” around, untouchables make very little money, it is not much more expensive than implanting embryos to have them on a “contract” for constant medical intervention, including a pre-agreed limit of two or three implanted children rather than a random smattering of naturals after the implants. This can be done following the principle of allowing the contractee to opt out at any point so it is not slavery or indentured servitude, but then designing the advantages of not opting out so that the example of those who do opt out is not a very attractive one.
Please send me a link to your story as it is avaialble.
Emphasize exciting positive results. Replace coercion with market forces as much as possible. Don’t spend any time and effort on culling after birth, rather emphasize drastically increasing the production of the kinds of people you want to add.
Have a character who is one of the last to have some difficult genetic disease. Have his parents as people who avoided fixing his embryo in utero for religious or other bad reasons.
Show the virtual eradication of poverty, not by decimating the ranks of poor children, but by multiplying the ranks of those who can form productive enterprises. Show a world in which labor is in a constant demand because of the surfeit of new productive ideas.
Push out the genomes of the successful. Jobs and Gates and Clinton and Mother Theresa and Jackson (Reggie and Michael) shouldn’t have had a few kids, they should have had tens of thousands. The low hanging fruit in eugenics does not require the latest books on breeding animals because we haven’t even exploited the simple steps of having our best humans duplicated by the thousands throughout our herd.
Have examples of how a seemingly bad result of eugenics, perhaps thousands of Saddam Hussein or Mao or Qaddafi clones, winds up working well. Qaddafi clones produce a Libya that cannot be easily dominated by a single talented but bad actor. Mao clones produce a flourishing of political genius that must compete for hearts and minds, since with thousands of them the only way to get a coalition that might control is to have strong principles of inclusion of many of the mao clones in the share power. The skills which in a monopoly situation produce dominance wind up producing so much more when put in the qualitatively different situation where there are thousands of competitors with similar high skill levels.
Another quick win: bursting out millions of high quality embryos that also have a tendency to want to carve out their piece of the world before having one or two or three children that can 1) be groomed with high parental investment, 2) produce whatever positive result the parents hope for from children. Perhaps we are two generations in and the Indian untouchables are now the richest group in India because they embraced the implant of high quality embryos rather than natural overproduction of nearly random people. That high quality program took place and succeeded because it was positively developed: 1) the implanted embryo started from the moms and dads genes, but with perhaps a somewhat standardized set of modifications, so it was “their kid,” 2) part of the feature of these embryos is they were bred to be very family oriented, i.e. you would have very smart capable children who were very interested in helping the parents in their dotage, 3) it was the “best job” around, untouchables make very little money, it is not much more expensive than implanting embryos to have them on a “contract” for constant medical intervention, including a pre-agreed limit of two or three implanted children rather than a random smattering of naturals after the implants. This can be done following the principle of allowing the contractee to opt out at any point so it is not slavery or indentured servitude, but then designing the advantages of not opting out so that the example of those who do opt out is not a very attractive one.
Please send me a link to your story as it is avaialble.