Looks like you did the usual iterative approach: bought an AC, saw that it doesn’t work as expected, did the analysis, figured out what is wrong, and corrected your model of what works in your situation, then bought a better AC.
bought an AC, saw that it doesn’t work as expected, did the analysis
I read John as saying steps two and three here were reversed. He bought an AC, realized before trying it that it wouldn’t work, then tested and saw that (as expected) it didn’t work.
That’s true! When I opened the box, I first dug around looking for the second hose. Then I thought they must have made a mistake and not sent the second hose. Then eventually I noticed that the AC only had one hose-slot, and the pictures only had one hose, and I was just very confused as to why on earth someone would build a portable air conditioner with only one hose.
Looks like you did the usual iterative approach: bought an AC, saw that it doesn’t work as expected, did the analysis, figured out what is wrong, and corrected your model of what works in your situation, then bought a better AC.
I read John as saying steps two and three here were reversed. He bought an AC, realized before trying it that it wouldn’t work, then tested and saw that (as expected) it didn’t work.
That’s true! When I opened the box, I first dug around looking for the second hose. Then I thought they must have made a mistake and not sent the second hose. Then eventually I noticed that the AC only had one hose-slot, and the pictures only had one hose, and I was just very confused as to why on earth someone would build a portable air conditioner with only one hose.