First thread was about the AI class.
This one is about the study group. ;)
To answer your question lost of people asked around if anyone is interested in the study group. But besides a few adds on google+ not much else came out of it, so I at least welcome this new thread since it might get some fresh activity.
It seems that Google+ doesn’t have any kind of group feature. Is there a reason we’re not using Facebook, instead? They have the largest user base, and a group feature where we could have discussions.
Basically someone asked if anyone has a google+ account and a few people responded and I linked to the google+ thread, which was basically a “oh look at this shiny new thing” discussion. Perhaps just make an old fashion google group (lots and lots of people have gmail, dosen’t need to be your real name like g+ or fb)?
I’m sure there is plenty of specialized stuff for this as well though, I’m afriad I’m not familiar with it though. I think there was some discussion on “what to use for a study group” here.
Repetition is not that bad.
First thread was about the AI class. This one is about the study group. ;)
To answer your question lost of people asked around if anyone is interested in the study group. But besides a few adds on google+ not much else came out of it, so I at least welcome this new thread since it might get some fresh activity.
It seems that Google+ doesn’t have any kind of group feature. Is there a reason we’re not using Facebook, instead? They have the largest user base, and a group feature where we could have discussions.
Basically someone asked if anyone has a google+ account and a few people responded and I linked to the google+ thread, which was basically a “oh look at this shiny new thing” discussion. Perhaps just make an old fashion google group (lots and lots of people have gmail, dosen’t need to be your real name like g+ or fb)?
I’m sure there is plenty of specialized stuff for this as well though, I’m afriad I’m not familiar with it though. I think there was some discussion on “what to use for a study group” here.