I’ve always wondered why there isn’t more interest in automated provers. What happens when you make a term-rewriting system with a taste for symmetric, interrelated systems of theorems and have it just search for proofs (and shorter versions of those proofs) for a few years? Do fully artificial mathematicians ever come up with novel theorems? Are they any good at condensing proofs enough that they become comprehensible to humans?
Edit: Had a cursory look through lesswrong history
2015, JoshuaZ: I predict that within 20 years a major conjecture will be made that is essentially found by a computer with no human intervention. Note that this has already happened in some limited contexts for minor math problems. https://cs.uwaterloo.ca/journals/JIS/colton/joisol.html
I’ve always wondered why there isn’t more interest in automated provers. What happens when you make a term-rewriting system with a taste for symmetric, interrelated systems of theorems and have it just search for proofs (and shorter versions of those proofs) for a few years? Do fully artificial mathematicians ever come up with novel theorems? Are they any good at condensing proofs enough that they become comprehensible to humans?
Edit: Had a cursory look through lesswrong history
A post by JonahSinick from Jul 2013, asking the very question Progress on automated mathematical theorem proving?
The competition still seems to be active. Last year’s winners were Satallax 3.3, Vampire 4.3 (in three categories), iProver 2.8, and MaLARea 0.6