It was Yudkowsky’s Fun Theory sequence that inspired me to undertake the work of writing a novel on a singularitarian society… however, there are gaps I need to fill, and I need all the help I can get. It’s mostly book recommendations that I’m asking for.
One of the things I’d like to tackle in it would be the interactions between the modern, geeky Singularitarianisms, and Marxism, which I hold to be somewhat prototypical in that sense, as well as other utopisms. And contrasting them with more down-to-earth ideologies and attitudes, by examining the seriously dangerous bumps of the technological point of transition between “baseline” and “singularity”. But I need to do a lot of research before I’m able to write anything good: if I’m not going to have any original ideas, at least I’d like to serve my readers with a collection of well-researched. solid ones.
So I’d like to have everything that is worth reading about the Singularity, specifically the Revolution it entails (in one way or another) and the social aftermath. I’m particularly interested in the consequences of the lag of the spread of the technology from the wealthy to the baselines, and the potential for baselines oppression and other forms of continuation of current forms of social imbalances, as well as suboptimal distribution of wealth. After all, according to many authors, we’ve had the means to end war, poverty and famine, and most infectious diseases, since the sixties, and it’s just our irrational methods of wealth distribution That is, supposing the commonly alleged ideal of total lifespan and material welfare maximization for all humanity is what actually drives the way things are done. But even with other, different premises and axioms, there’s much that can be improved and isn’t, thanks to basic human irrationality, which is what we combat here.
Also, yes, this post makes my political leanings fairly clear, but I’m open to alternative viewpoints and actively seek them. I also don’t intend to write any propaganda, as such. Just to examine ideas, and scenarios, for the sake of writing a compelling story, with wide audience appeal. The idea is to raise awareness of the Singularity as something rather imminent (“Summer’s Coming”), and cause (or at least help prepare) normal people to question the wonders and dangers thereof, rationally.
It’s a frighteningly ambitious, long-term challenge, I am terribly aware of that. And the first thing I’ll need to read is a style-book, to correct my horrendous grasp of standard acceptable writing (and not seem arrogant by doing anything else), so please feel free to recommend as many books and blog articles and other material as you like. I’ll take my time going though it all.
Writing about Singularity: needing help with references and bibliography
It was Yudkowsky’s Fun Theory sequence that inspired me to undertake the work of writing a novel on a singularitarian society… however, there are gaps I need to fill, and I need all the help I can get. It’s mostly book recommendations that I’m asking for.
One of the things I’d like to tackle in it would be the interactions between the modern, geeky Singularitarianisms, and Marxism, which I hold to be somewhat prototypical in that sense, as well as other utopisms. And contrasting them with more down-to-earth ideologies and attitudes, by examining the seriously dangerous bumps of the technological point of transition between “baseline” and “singularity”. But I need to do a lot of research before I’m able to write anything good: if I’m not going to have any original ideas, at least I’d like to serve my readers with a collection of well-researched. solid ones.
So I’d like to have everything that is worth reading about the Singularity, specifically the Revolution it entails (in one way or another) and the social aftermath. I’m particularly interested in the consequences of the lag of the spread of the technology from the wealthy to the baselines, and the potential for baselines oppression and other forms of continuation of current forms of social imbalances, as well as suboptimal distribution of wealth. After all, according to many authors, we’ve had the means to end war, poverty and famine, and most infectious diseases, since the sixties, and it’s just our irrational methods of wealth distribution That is, supposing the commonly alleged ideal of total lifespan and material welfare maximization for all humanity is what actually drives the way things are done. But even with other, different premises and axioms, there’s much that can be improved and isn’t, thanks to basic human irrationality, which is what we combat here.
Also, yes, this post makes my political leanings fairly clear, but I’m open to alternative viewpoints and actively seek them. I also don’t intend to write any propaganda, as such. Just to examine ideas, and scenarios, for the sake of writing a compelling story, with wide audience appeal. The idea is to raise awareness of the Singularity as something rather imminent (“Summer’s Coming”), and cause (or at least help prepare) normal people to question the wonders and dangers thereof, rationally.
It’s a frighteningly ambitious, long-term challenge, I am terribly aware of that. And the first thing I’ll need to read is a style-book, to correct my horrendous grasp of standard acceptable writing (and not seem arrogant by doing anything else), so please feel free to recommend as many books and blog articles and other material as you like. I’ll take my time going though it all.