FWIW, what I meant was that—by altering the reference machine, p() - for all bitstrings less than a zillion bits long—can be made into any set of probabilities you like—provided they don’t add up to more than 1, of course.
The reference machine defines the resulting probability distribution completely.
AH! So you are making a comment on the use of universal priors to approximate arbitrary finite priors (and hence presumably vice versa). That is interesting, though I’m not sure what it has to do with eventual convergence. You should have actually stated that at some point!
FWIW, what I meant was that—by altering the reference machine, p() - for all bitstrings less than a zillion bits long—can be made into any set of probabilities you like—provided they don’t add up to more than 1, of course.
The reference machine defines the resulting probability distribution completely.
AH! So you are making a comment on the use of universal priors to approximate arbitrary finite priors (and hence presumably vice versa). That is interesting, though I’m not sure what it has to do with eventual convergence. You should have actually stated that at some point!