Are you serious? A summary that is as long as a multi-volume novel (apparently 4000 printed pages or so)? Feel free to look up the definition of the word summary.
The purpose is to help the audience get the gist in a short period of time.
Absorbing the sequences requires weeks of concentrated study and then at least a few follow-ups.
a summary has no dramatic structure and is written in present tense or historical present. In summaries only indirect speech is used and depictions are avoided.
Are you serious? A summary that is as long as a multi-volume novel (apparently 4000 printed pages or so)? Feel free to look up the definition of the word summary.
The published literature on heuristics and biases alone is rather larger than that.
Let me wiki it for you:
Absorbing the sequences requires weeks of concentrated study and then at least a few follow-ups.
This is not at all how the sequences are written.