Not really unless you actually chart your foods for a bit. Which can be laborious. Worth it though to get it through to system 1 how bad your current diet is (if it is about as bad as average).
I’m no sure how bad my system 1 happens to be on the salt question. On some days my system 1 feels like more salt is warranted and I follow that intuition. I’m also not sure that the RDA is +/- 25% accurate for myself given that I sometimes drink 4 liter of water per day and probably need more salt consumption than the average person on those days.
Charting my food doesn’t easily tell me how much of the salt I put into the water to cook pasta makes it into my pasta.
average intake in the US: 3.4g/day optimal intake for health according to the Cochrane review on sodium consumption: 3g/day
not excessively bad. Negative health effects start cropping up above the 4g and below the 2g range.
Is there a straightforward way to know your average sodium intake?
Not really unless you actually chart your foods for a bit. Which can be laborious. Worth it though to get it through to system 1 how bad your current diet is (if it is about as bad as average).
I’m no sure how bad my system 1 happens to be on the salt question. On some days my system 1 feels like more salt is warranted and I follow that intuition. I’m also not sure that the RDA is +/- 25% accurate for myself given that I sometimes drink 4 liter of water per day and probably need more salt consumption than the average person on those days.
Charting my food doesn’t easily tell me how much of the salt I put into the water to cook pasta makes it into my pasta.