As far as I understand the world championships in mnemonics all get won via memory places that use spatial memory.
At my present project of making phonemes learnable I specifically show the charts of phonemes along with my minimal pairs to give the user an orientation.
Venn diagrams are a nifty tool for giving knowledge a structure. I use them in Anki to distinguish essential, semiessential and nonessential amino acids. I however haven’t yet programmed automatic Venn diagram creation.
The supermemo principles by Wozniak suggest against learning multiple similar items at the same time. If you have a deck about British monarch there nothing wrong with spreading it out at 1 card per day.
As far as automatic remembering of detail about people goes, it often works via narratives. Narratives are difficult to display via Anki.
I personally had a heard times following along the who’s who of Game of Thrones on the other hand someone on LW has used the example of remembering facts about Game of Throne as a way to illustrate how easy it is to remember facts about certain subjects. .
I think this is what you’re talking about re: using Game of Thrones to remember facts. I do remember faces and people (and Game of Thrones characters) quite well, so I have fairly high hopes for this process, but it occurs to me that a lot of people on LW report face-blindness to varying degrees. This might not work so well for these people.
As far as I understand the world championships in mnemonics all get won via memory places that use spatial memory. At my present project of making phonemes learnable I specifically show the charts of phonemes along with my minimal pairs to give the user an orientation.
Venn diagrams are a nifty tool for giving knowledge a structure. I use them in Anki to distinguish essential, semiessential and nonessential amino acids. I however haven’t yet programmed automatic Venn diagram creation.
The supermemo principles by Wozniak suggest against learning multiple similar items at the same time. If you have a deck about British monarch there nothing wrong with spreading it out at 1 card per day.
As far as automatic remembering of detail about people goes, it often works via narratives. Narratives are difficult to display via Anki.
I personally had a heard times following along the who’s who of Game of Thrones on the other hand someone on LW has used the example of remembering facts about Game of Throne as a way to illustrate how easy it is to remember facts about certain subjects. .
I think this is what you’re talking about re: using Game of Thrones to remember facts. I do remember faces and people (and Game of Thrones characters) quite well, so I have fairly high hopes for this process, but it occurs to me that a lot of people on LW report face-blindness to varying degrees. This might not work so well for these people.
Yes, that the thread I meant.
I have no problem with recognizing I meet in person again. I think the main issue is that I don’t consume much fiction.