Huh, good question. I don’t really know, but I’ll try and help anyway :)
Of all the prisoner’s dilemma tournaments we’ve run, I think 2014 was probably the most interesting. But the lesson was pretty common-sensical—just simulate your opponent and if cooperating is at least as good as defecting, cooperate. There’s another interesting result about the prisoner’s dilemma that I found while googling that I hadn’t seen before (for background on that post, see here).
Huh, good question. I don’t really know, but I’ll try and help anyway :)
Of all the prisoner’s dilemma tournaments we’ve run, I think 2014 was probably the most interesting. But the lesson was pretty common-sensical—just simulate your opponent and if cooperating is at least as good as defecting, cooperate. There’s another interesting result about the prisoner’s dilemma that I found while googling that I hadn’t seen before (for background on that post, see here).