The idea is that if the virus infects 40-70% of all people, the health care system will run out of resources to treat everyone, so one may be forced to stay home and self-medicate. You can also take it when you first start to get mild COVID-19 symptoms to help prevent it from getting worse, potentially saving you from a trip to the hospital even if beds are still available. As the first link says, China has been doing clinical trials with Chloroquine and the preliminary results seem promising.
note: I think it’s good to update the OP answers with a summary of reasoning and whatnot so that the abridged version of the Answer section is easier to skim (and easier to evaluate how well the karma system is floating good ideas to the top)
The idea is that if the virus infects 40-70% of all people, the health care system will run out of resources to treat everyone, so one may be forced to stay home and self-medicate. You can also take it when you first start to get mild COVID-19 symptoms to help prevent it from getting worse, potentially saving you from a trip to the hospital even if beds are still available. As the first link says, China has been doing clinical trials with Chloroquine and the preliminary results seem promising.
note: I think it’s good to update the OP answers with a summary of reasoning and whatnot so that the abridged version of the Answer section is easier to skim (and easier to evaluate how well the karma system is floating good ideas to the top)