Do your shopping in bulk in order to minimize the time you spend public. Or do your shopping online and have it delivered.
The more time you spend in public, the higher the risk you get infected. Shopping in bulk minimizes the time you spend in public, and thus lowers the risk that you get infected. For example, stocking up at Sam’s Club versus going to the supermarket twice a week.
I suspect that for most people, the downside of shopping in bulk or shopping online is going to be very minimal. In many cases I suspect that it is optimal even without the coronavirus being a thing.
Also consider the experimental benefit. If you don’t have much experience with shopping in bulk or online, trying it out for a few weeks will give you a better sense of what your true preferences are.
Do your shopping in bulk in order to minimize the time you spend public. Or do your shopping online and have it delivered.
The more time you spend in public, the higher the risk you get infected. Shopping in bulk minimizes the time you spend in public, and thus lowers the risk that you get infected. For example, stocking up at Sam’s Club versus going to the supermarket twice a week.
I suspect that for most people, the downside of shopping in bulk or shopping online is going to be very minimal. In many cases I suspect that it is optimal even without the coronavirus being a thing.
Also consider the experimental benefit. If you don’t have much experience with shopping in bulk or online, trying it out for a few weeks will give you a better sense of what your true preferences are.