On the last one of your three examples, I feel that ‘mesa optimizers’ is another regrettable example of the forces of linguistic entropy overwhelming any attempts at developing crisply stated definitions which are then accepted and leveraged by the entire community. It is not like the people posting on this site are incapable of using the tools needed to crisply define things, the problem is that many do not seem very interested in ever using other people’s definitions or models as a frame of reference. They’d rather free-associate on the term, and then develop their own strongly held beliefs of what it is all supposed to be about
Yes.. clarity isn’t optional.
MIRI abandonned the idea of producing technology a long time ago , so what it will offer to the the people who are working on AI technology is some kind of theory expressed by n some kind of document ..which will be of no use to them if they can’t understand it.
And it takes a constant parallel effort to keep the lines of communication open. It’s no use “woodshedding” , spending a lot of time developing your own ideas in your own language.
Yes.. clarity isn’t optional.
MIRI abandonned the idea of producing technology a long time ago , so what it will offer to the the people who are working on AI technology is some kind of theory expressed by n some kind of document ..which will be of no use to them if they can’t understand it.
And it takes a constant parallel effort to keep the lines of communication open. It’s no use “woodshedding” , spending a lot of time developing your own ideas in your own language.