I don’t think the right way to do this is not either positive or negative selection (those terms really suggest a false dichotomy, don’t they?). As has been pointed out elsewhere, what’s here being called “positive” is really “or”, and what’s here being called “negative” is really “and”.
But there are lots more ways to combine the data into a single number then just “apply a cutoff to each one, and then apply some operation to the resulting booleans”. The appropriate sort of selection is not positive or negative, but rather, whatever will be used in the actual competition. (And if it’s unknown, apply expected utility, etc.)
I don’t think the right way to do this is not either positive or negative selection (those terms really suggest a false dichotomy, don’t they?). As has been pointed out elsewhere, what’s here being called “positive” is really “or”, and what’s here being called “negative” is really “and”.
But there are lots more ways to combine the data into a single number then just “apply a cutoff to each one, and then apply some operation to the resulting booleans”. The appropriate sort of selection is not positive or negative, but rather, whatever will be used in the actual competition. (And if it’s unknown, apply expected utility, etc.)