This view is much too binary. There are a myriad variety of choices of what to focus on, what aspect of it to focus on,
and how much effort to apply to the focus. Someone can be purposefully aware of a very specific task, say a high
speed race, with the bulk of their thinking down at the level of pattern matching. Someone can do highly abstract
symbolic manipulations while half asleep and still recognize when they bump into the right set of manipulations to
solve the problem.
This view is much too binary. There are a myriad variety of choices of what to focus on, what aspect of it to focus on, and how much effort to apply to the focus. Someone can be purposefully aware of a very specific task, say a high speed race, with the bulk of their thinking down at the level of pattern matching. Someone can do highly abstract symbolic manipulations while half asleep and still recognize when they bump into the right set of manipulations to solve the problem.