The canonical method is to nggnpu n pheerag qevire gb rirel abqr.
Jevgr qbja gur Xvepubss’f ynj ynj rirel abqr va grezf bs gur vawrpgrq
pheerag, gur ibygntr ng gung ybpngvba, naq gur ibygntr ng rnpu nqwnprag
cbvag. Erjevgr gur nqwnprag ibygntrf va grezf bs genafyngvba bcrengbef,
gura qb n (frzv-qvfpergr) Sbhevre genafsbez (gur qbznva vf vagrtref,
pbqbznva obhaqrq serdhrapvrf, fb vg’f gur bccbfvgr bs n Sbhevre frevrf),
chg va gur pbaqvgvbaf sbe n havg zntavghqr fbhepr naq fvax, naq vaireg
vg, juvpu jvyy tvir lbh gur ibygntrf rireljurer. Gur qvssreraprf va
ibygntrf orgjrra gur fbhepr naq fvax vf gur erfvfgnapr, orpnhfr gurer vf
havg pheerag sybjvat npebff gurz.
I’m not wnoise, but yeah, you probably wouldn’t want to read the (now great-)great-grandparent. Put it this way: the first 5 words are ‘The canonical method is to.’ (I read it anyway ’cuz I’m spoiler resistant. I don’t think my math/EE aptitude is enough to carry out the method wnoise gives.)
The canonical method is to nggnpu n pheerag qevire gb rirel abqr. Jevgr qbja gur Xvepubss’f ynj ynj rirel abqr va grezf bs gur vawrpgrq pheerag, gur ibygntr ng gung ybpngvba, naq gur ibygntr ng rnpu nqwnprag cbvag. Erjevgr gur nqwnprag ibygntrf va grezf bs genafyngvba bcrengbef, gura qb n (frzv-qvfpergr) Sbhevre genafsbez (gur qbznva vf vagrtref, pbqbznva obhaqrq serdhrapvrf, fb vg’f gur bccbfvgr bs n Sbhevre frevrf), chg va gur pbaqvgvbaf sbe n havg zntavghqr fbhepr naq fvax, naq vaireg vg, juvpu jvyy tvir lbh gur ibygntrf rireljurer. Gur qvssreraprf va ibygntrf orgjrra gur fbhepr naq fvax vf gur erfvfgnapr, orpnhfr gurer vf havg pheerag sybjvat npebff gurz.
Buggrit. Build a grid of resistors a few meters square and pull out the multimeter.
That works fairly well, as things converge quickly.
Wait, so if I want to solve it myself, I shouldn’t read the text in the great-grandparent of this comment?
Well, yes, that’s why I rot13d it. I’ll unrot13 the beginning which will provide a clear warning.
I’m not wnoise, but yeah, you probably wouldn’t want to read the (now great-)great-grandparent. Put it this way: the first 5 words are ‘The canonical method is to.’ (I read it anyway ’cuz I’m spoiler resistant. I don’t think my math/EE aptitude is enough to carry out the method wnoise gives.)