So far as the Shangri-La Diet is concerned, a boring explanation for the weird pattern of strong success, partial success, and utter failure is that biology is complicated.
I doubt Seth’s evolutionary explanation, though I wouldn’t mind a little research on whether success with his diet is correlated with food neophilia and/or food neophobia.
So far as the Shangri-La Diet is concerned, a boring explanation for the weird pattern of strong success, partial success, and utter failure is that biology is complicated.
There’s a little about the biological basis for hunger and satiety in Gina Kolata’s Rethinking Thin: The New Science of Weight Loss—and the Myths and Realities of Dieting. IIRC, there was only one chapter about hormones, and it was written for a popular audience. I skimmed it anyway, and don’t remember the details.
I doubt Seth’s evolutionary explanation, though I wouldn’t mind a little research on whether success with his diet is correlated with food neophilia and/or food neophobia.