I suppose that especially during famines the individual who eats as much as possible and stores that as fat will have great advantage against more modest members of his group, not speaking about other species. Am I missing something?
Yes—the cost of gathering the food. Roberts’s hypothesis is that if food is not plentiful, it’s counterproductive to be so hungry that you burn a lot of calories looking for more food, versus sitting tight and drawing on your fat stores. Conversely, if food is plentiful, you’d be an idiot not to go get as much as you can handle.
Yes—the cost of gathering the food. Roberts’s hypothesis is that if food is not plentiful, it’s counterproductive to be so hungry that you burn a lot of calories looking for more food, versus sitting tight and drawing on your fat stores. Conversely, if food is plentiful, you’d be an idiot not to go get as much as you can handle.