I would suggest time thinking about mathematical paradoxes. One advantage of these compared to many philosophical questions is that it is easier to engage in these question from the desire to know the truth, rather than the desire for things to work out a particular way.
Another advantage of exploring paradoxes is that often when you make a mistake, there will be a mathematical proof that you are wrong.
Another suggestion I would make would be to pick the area of philosophy in which you currently feel you can make the most progress on and to leave areas in which you feel more uncertain until later.
I’ve gained a lot of benefit from writing down my ideas. Often arguments that seem waterproof in your head will turn out to have additional assumptions once written down. Often if I come back a few months later, I can see areas where my argument isn’t as strong as it could have been.
I can also see benefits of writing steelmans of other people’s positions.
Being good at communicating philosophical ideas is a separate skill and one I can’t advise you on.
I would suggest time thinking about mathematical paradoxes. One advantage of these compared to many philosophical questions is that it is easier to engage in these question from the desire to know the truth, rather than the desire for things to work out a particular way.
Another advantage of exploring paradoxes is that often when you make a mistake, there will be a mathematical proof that you are wrong.
Another suggestion I would make would be to pick the area of philosophy in which you currently feel you can make the most progress on and to leave areas in which you feel more uncertain until later.
I’ve gained a lot of benefit from writing down my ideas. Often arguments that seem waterproof in your head will turn out to have additional assumptions once written down. Often if I come back a few months later, I can see areas where my argument isn’t as strong as it could have been.
I can also see benefits of writing steelmans of other people’s positions.
Being good at communicating philosophical ideas is a separate skill and one I can’t advise you on.