Direct and immediate feedback is a good idea. Given your first suggestion, is the assumption that philosophers would attempt to address everything? Many are going to be specializing, and may not have thought much about many central questions. I can tell you a lot about metaethics. I can’t tell you much about metaphysics. Maybe that’s a mistake, but given the current incentive system and the way academic fields are set up, it’d be hard not to narrowly focus in this way.
Given your first suggestion, is the assumption that philosophers would attempt to address everything?
I was just trying to go off of Daniel K’s prompt, which was precisely for philosophers to try to address everything. I agree that this is not obviously the best route.
Direct and immediate feedback is a good idea. Given your first suggestion, is the assumption that philosophers would attempt to address everything? Many are going to be specializing, and may not have thought much about many central questions. I can tell you a lot about metaethics. I can’t tell you much about metaphysics. Maybe that’s a mistake, but given the current incentive system and the way academic fields are set up, it’d be hard not to narrowly focus in this way.
I was just trying to go off of Daniel K’s prompt, which was precisely for philosophers to try to address everything. I agree that this is not obviously the best route.