I’m a little confused. Do the examples in the post seem purely hypothetical to you? They’re all real things I have encountered or heard from others:
Whether or not it’s rational to have ice cream (or other unhealthy indulgences).
Whether or not wanting your high-earning partner to do housework is reasonable.
Whether being hurt by unfiltered criticism or judgements is rational.
Whether being mono vs open vs poly is a sign of rationality.
Whether your career preference is a sign of how smart or rational you are.
Obviously not all are as equally detailed, and I could always add more, but if it doesn’t seem concrete enough yet, I’m not sure what else I should add or in how much detail to hit the target better.
The ice cream snippets were good, but they felt too much like they were trying to be a relatively obvious not-very-controversial example of the problems you’re pointing at, rather than a central/prototypical example. Which is good as an intro, but then I want to see it backed up by more central examples.
The dishes example was IMO the best in the post, more like that would be great.
Unfiltered criticism was discussed in the abstract, it wasn’t really concrete enough to be an example. Walking through an example conversation (like the ice cream thing) would help.
Mono vs open vs poly would be a great example, but it needs an actual example conversation (like the ice cream thing), not just a brief mention. Same with career choice. I want to see how specifically the issues you’re pointing to come up in those contexts.
(Also TBC it’s an important post, and I’m glad you wrote it.)
I’m a little confused. Do the examples in the post seem purely hypothetical to you? They’re all real things I have encountered or heard from others:
Whether or not it’s rational to have ice cream (or other unhealthy indulgences).
Whether or not wanting your high-earning partner to do housework is reasonable.
Whether being hurt by unfiltered criticism or judgements is rational.
Whether being mono vs open vs poly is a sign of rationality.
Whether your career preference is a sign of how smart or rational you are.
Obviously not all are as equally detailed, and I could always add more, but if it doesn’t seem concrete enough yet, I’m not sure what else I should add or in how much detail to hit the target better.
The ice cream snippets were good, but they felt too much like they were trying to be a relatively obvious not-very-controversial example of the problems you’re pointing at, rather than a central/prototypical example. Which is good as an intro, but then I want to see it backed up by more central examples.
The dishes example was IMO the best in the post, more like that would be great.
Unfiltered criticism was discussed in the abstract, it wasn’t really concrete enough to be an example. Walking through an example conversation (like the ice cream thing) would help.
Mono vs open vs poly would be a great example, but it needs an actual example conversation (like the ice cream thing), not just a brief mention. Same with career choice. I want to see how specifically the issues you’re pointing to come up in those contexts.
(Also TBC it’s an important post, and I’m glad you wrote it.)
Makes sense! I probably will not have time to dedicate to do this properly over the next few days, but maybe after that.