“I once spent a whole day in thought, but it was not so valuable as
a moment in study. I once stood on my tiptoes to look out into
the distance, but it was not so effective as climbing up to a high
place for a broader vista.
Climbing to a height and waving your arm does not cause the
arm’s length to increase, but your wave can be seen farther away.
Shouting downwind does not increase the tenseness of the
sound, but it is heard more distinctly.
A man who borrows a horse and carriage does not improve his
feet, but he can extend his travels 1,000 li [~500km] A man who borrows a
boat and paddles does not gain any new ability in water, but he can
cut across rivers and seas.
The gentleman by birth is not different from other men; he is just good
at “borrowing” the use of external things.”
-- Xunzi, An Exhortation to Learning (勸學) 4, translated by John Knoblock in “Xunzi: A Translation and study of the Complete Works”
“I once spent a whole day in thought, but it was not so valuable as a moment in study. I once stood on my tiptoes to look out into the distance, but it was not so effective as climbing up to a high place for a broader vista. Climbing to a height and waving your arm does not cause the arm’s length to increase, but your wave can be seen farther away. Shouting downwind does not increase the tenseness of the sound, but it is heard more distinctly. A man who borrows a horse and carriage does not improve his feet, but he can extend his travels 1,000 li [~500km] A man who borrows a boat and paddles does not gain any new ability in water, but he can cut across rivers and seas. The gentleman by birth is not different from other men; he is just good at “borrowing” the use of external things.”
-- Xunzi, An Exhortation to Learning (勸學) 4, translated by John Knoblock in “Xunzi: A Translation and study of the Complete Works”