I agree that this misattribution is a very real and common thing, but I question whether your meta description is a useful one. Yes, we misdiagnose crabbiness when it’s caused by hunger or tiredness. But then we constantly misdiagnose every complex system, not just humans.
The way I interpret the post is that it’s pointing to a specific type of misattribution, the type where we attribute a “high-level cause” when in actuality it’s a “low-level cause”. Perhaps there may be a better analogy for this than anthropomorphizing, but none come to my mind right now.
I agree that this misattribution is a very real and common thing, but I question whether your meta description is a useful one. Yes, we misdiagnose crabbiness when it’s caused by hunger or tiredness. But then we constantly misdiagnose every complex system, not just humans.
The way I interpret the post is that it’s pointing to a specific type of misattribution, the type where we attribute a “high-level cause” when in actuality it’s a “low-level cause”. Perhaps there may be a better analogy for this than anthropomorphizing, but none come to my mind right now.