This bit that precedes that suggests that he holds them responsible for their choice of outlet to work for:
jobs in journalism are hard to come by, but many of you are clever, hard working, insightful individuals. You have other options. … No one forced you to do this. If you choose to, it’s on you.
And I agree with this. The headline is part of the article, much like an abstract is part of the paper.
There are many differences between outlets. I don’t think that control over the headline should be the primary concern of a journalist who cares about informing their readers. It’s just one factor of many.
This bit that precedes that suggests that he holds them responsible for their choice of outlet to work for:
And I agree with this. The headline is part of the article, much like an abstract is part of the paper.
There are many differences between outlets. I don’t think that control over the headline should be the primary concern of a journalist who cares about informing their readers. It’s just one factor of many.