Well the biggest problem is that it doesn’t seem to work. I tested in a 2-player game where we both locked in an answer, but the game didn’t progress to the next round. I waited for the timer to run out, but it still didn’t progress to the next round, just stayed at 0:00. Changes in my probability are also not visible to the other players until I lock mine in.
A few more minor issues:
After locking in a probability, there’s no indication in the UI that I’ve done so. I can even press the “lock” button again and get the same popup, despite the fact that it’s already locked. It would be better to have the lock button disappear or grey out, and/or have some other clear visual indicator that it’s locked.
If two people join with the same username, the game seems to think that they’re all the same person. They all show up as “you” on the player list, although they are given different answers.
“Wendy’s” shows up as “Wendy's”, and same problem for all other words containing apostrophes. (Probably because you’re setting element.innerText rather than element.innerHTML, or something like that.)
If I try to join an invalid room, nothing happens, which is confusing. It would be better to have some sort of error message displayed.
It’s possible to join a room with a blank username by accident. Fixing that is a pain due to:
If in the waiting room someone quits and rejoins, they’ll show up as a third player. It doesn’t seem possible to remove a player from the game, you have to cancel and create a whole new game.
Pressing the “back” button in the browser has some very unintuitive results. I’d expect it to take me back to the homepage, but it seems to either leave me in the same game or put me back into a previous game.
And not a bug, but it would be nice to be able to customize the timer length.
Thanks! I’ll look into these. Refactoring the entire frontend codebase is probably worth it, considering I wrote it months ago and it’s kinda embarrassing to look back at.
That would be helpful if you have the time, thanks!
Well the biggest problem is that it doesn’t seem to work. I tested in a 2-player game where we both locked in an answer, but the game didn’t progress to the next round. I waited for the timer to run out, but it still didn’t progress to the next round, just stayed at 0:00. Changes in my probability are also not visible to the other players until I lock mine in.
A few more minor issues:
After locking in a probability, there’s no indication in the UI that I’ve done so. I can even press the “lock” button again and get the same popup, despite the fact that it’s already locked. It would be better to have the lock button disappear or grey out, and/or have some other clear visual indicator that it’s locked.
If two people join with the same username, the game seems to think that they’re all the same person. They all show up as “you” on the player list, although they are given different answers.
“Wendy’s” shows up as “Wendy's”, and same problem for all other words containing apostrophes. (Probably because you’re setting element.innerText rather than element.innerHTML, or something like that.)
If I try to join an invalid room, nothing happens, which is confusing. It would be better to have some sort of error message displayed.
It’s possible to join a room with a blank username by accident. Fixing that is a pain due to:
If in the waiting room someone quits and rejoins, they’ll show up as a third player. It doesn’t seem possible to remove a player from the game, you have to cancel and create a whole new game.
Pressing the “back” button in the browser has some very unintuitive results. I’d expect it to take me back to the homepage, but it seems to either leave me in the same game or put me back into a previous game.
And not a bug, but it would be nice to be able to customize the timer length.
Thanks! I’ll look into these. Refactoring the entire frontend codebase is probably worth it, considering I wrote it months ago and it’s kinda embarrassing to look back at.