Thinking about “situations like this” does sound like it could be helpful. Some come to mind, and caveat that it’s hard to remember how I felt at different points in time but:
Case one: if the accused ever gave their perspective, I don’t remember it.
Case two: the accused sharing their perspective initially made me more sympathetic to them, but that that was a mistake on my part because it turned out to be full of lies.
Case three: the accused sharing their perspective made me less sympathetic to them.
Case four: I dismissed the accusations offhand and think I was right to do so.
So this is weak evidence, but I don’t feel like I personally have a history of overupdating in the direction of “those monsters”.
Thinking about “situations like this” does sound like it could be helpful. Some come to mind, and caveat that it’s hard to remember how I felt at different points in time but:
Case one: if the accused ever gave their perspective, I don’t remember it.
Case two: the accused sharing their perspective initially made me more sympathetic to them, but that that was a mistake on my part because it turned out to be full of lies.
Case three: the accused sharing their perspective made me less sympathetic to them.
Case four: I dismissed the accusations offhand and think I was right to do so.
So this is weak evidence, but I don’t feel like I personally have a history of overupdating in the direction of “those monsters”.