By this reasoning, if the child is 5 years old but the world is going to be hit by an asteroid tomorrow, unavoidably killing everyone, it would be okay to be cruel to the child.
To save the original idea, I’d suggest modifying it to distinguish between having impaired ability to come to agreements and not having the ability to come to agreements. Children are generally in the former category, at least if they can speak and reason. This extends to more than just children; you shouldn’t take advantage of someone who’s stupid, but you can “take advantage” of the fact that a stick of broccoli doesn’t understand what it means to be eaten and can’t run away anyway.
Right. Like I said, I find it hard to come up with a good argument. I don’t like arguments that extend things into the future, because everything has to get all probabilistic. Is it possible to prove that any particular child is going to grow into an adult? Nope.
By this reasoning, if the child is 5 years old but the world is going to be hit by an asteroid tomorrow, unavoidably killing everyone, it would be okay to be cruel to the child.
To save the original idea, I’d suggest modifying it to distinguish between having impaired ability to come to agreements and not having the ability to come to agreements. Children are generally in the former category, at least if they can speak and reason. This extends to more than just children; you shouldn’t take advantage of someone who’s stupid, but you can “take advantage” of the fact that a stick of broccoli doesn’t understand what it means to be eaten and can’t run away anyway.
Right. Like I said, I find it hard to come up with a good argument. I don’t like arguments that extend things into the future, because everything has to get all probabilistic. Is it possible to prove that any particular child is going to grow into an adult? Nope.
But if we’re 99.9% confident that a child is going to die (say, they have a very terminal disease), is being cruel to the child 99.99% less bad?
(If this is making some clever rhetorical point then perhaps consider a quotation? Right now it is just a rather easy question.)