For consistency, the dash here should be an em-dash: –
LessWrong is a good place for:
In all the following list of bullet points, the grammar doesn’t work.
a) Currently they read as “LessWrong is a good place for who wants to work collaboratively” etc., so obviously a word like “someone” or “people” is missing. And the entire structure might work better if it was instead phrased as “LessWrong is a good place for people who...” or “LessWrong is a good place for you if you”, with each bullet point beginning with ”… <verb>”.
b) The sentences also currently mix up two ways of address, namely “someone who” and “you”. E.g. look at this sentence: “who likes acknowledging… to your reasoning”
We, the site moderators, don’t take for granted that what makes our community special won’t stay that way without intentional effort.
I’m not entirely sure, but I think the “won’t” here might be a wrong negation. How about something like the following:
“We, the site moderators, don’t take for granted what makes our community special, and that preserving it will require intentional effort.”
– paraphrased and translated chatlog (from german)
These give LessWrong a pretty distinct style from the rest of Internet.
“of the Internet”
Rather than say that is “extremely unlikely”, we’d say “I think there’s a 1% chance or lower of it happening”.
“Rather than say that X is… that X happens.”
that seem to make conversation worse
these are not official LessWrong site guidelines, but suggestive of the culture around here:
for the people who’d liked that writing and wanted to have discussion inspired by the ways of thinking he described and demonstrated
“wanted to have discussions”
“he’d described”
Ways to get started
Also, some of the bullet points immediately after this are in past tense for some reason.
Rationality: A-Z was an edited and distilled version compiled in 2015 of ~400 posts.
“consisting of ~400 posts”
Highlights from the Sequences is 50 top posts from the Sequences. They’re a good place to start.
“consists of 50 top posts”
this is just a heads up
LessWrong is also integrated with the Alignment Forum
doing so ensures you’ll write something well received
The full Sequences is pretty long
“are pretty long”
and see what the style is on LessWrong
“and see what the style is on LessWrong.”
If you have questions about the site, here are few places you can get answers:
“here are a few places where”
many more people are flowing to LessWrong because we have discussion of it
I find the current phrasing a bit weird. Maybe “because we host discussions of it”?
It’s possible to want to see more of something (e.g. interesting arguments) even if you disagree with them
″, even if you disagree with it”
it’s okay if your first submission or several don’t meet the bar, we’ll give you feedback on what to change if something’s not good
All other bullet points here are phrased as full sentences with a period at the end.
Rules to be aware of
All bullet points following this are missing periods at the end.
Typo feedback:
“out of interest”
“is an online forum and community”
“more likely to lead to true beliefs” (a reasoning process doesn’t believe anything)
a) The original article is capitalized as “Rationality is Systematized Winning”
b) After this line in the essay, there’s an empty line inside the quote which can be removed.
For consistency, the dash here should be an em-dash: –
In all the following list of bullet points, the grammar doesn’t work.
a) Currently they read as “LessWrong is a good place for who wants to work collaboratively” etc., so obviously a word like “someone” or “people” is missing. And the entire structure might work better if it was instead phrased as “LessWrong is a good place for people who...” or “LessWrong is a good place for you if you”, with each bullet point beginning with ”… <verb>”.
b) The sentences also currently mix up two ways of address, namely “someone who” and “you”. E.g. look at this sentence: “who likes acknowledging… to your reasoning”
I’m not entirely sure, but I think the “won’t” here might be a wrong negation. How about something like the following:
“We, the site moderators, don’t take for granted what makes our community special, and that preserving it will require intentional effort.”
“of the Internet”
“Rather than say that X is… that X happens.”
“wanted to have discussions”
“he’d described”
Also, some of the bullet points immediately after this are in past tense for some reason.
“consisting of ~400 posts”
“consists of 50 top posts”
“are pretty long”
“and see what the style is on LessWrong.”
“here are a few places where”
I find the current phrasing a bit weird. Maybe “because we host discussions of it”?
″, even if you disagree with it”
All other bullet points here are phrased as full sentences with a period at the end.
All bullet points following this are missing periods at the end.