I’m surprised that the phrase moral maze doesn’t appear at all in the post. Rules that punish big corporations but don’t punish smaller ones tend to push the world in a direction with fewer maze levels.
Upvoted, but disagree. The addition of complexity and arbitrary (and movable!) cut-off levels adds fear and weird incentives to those near the margin, including those below it. Also, modern mazes infect across the procurement/services/contracting web, so even if ONLY the biggest companies are directly impacted, they’ll work their contracts, acquisitions, warrants, and operations to minimize their liability while adding Molochian pressure to everyone involved (which is everyone).
I’m surprised that the phrase moral maze doesn’t appear at all in the post. Rules that punish big corporations but don’t punish smaller ones tend to push the world in a direction with fewer maze levels.
Upvoted, but disagree. The addition of complexity and arbitrary (and movable!) cut-off levels adds fear and weird incentives to those near the margin, including those below it. Also, modern mazes infect across the procurement/services/contracting web, so even if ONLY the biggest companies are directly impacted, they’ll work their contracts, acquisitions, warrants, and operations to minimize their liability while adding Molochian pressure to everyone involved (which is everyone).