My hope is that you are just missing some basic insight
As far as I can see, curi really wants to teach people his take on philosophy, that is, he wants to be a guide/mentor/teacher and provide wisdom to his disciples who would be in awe of his sagacity. Money would be useful, but I got the impression that he would do it for free as well (at least to start with). He is in a full proselytizing mode, not interested at all in checking his own ideas for faults and problems, but instead doing everything to push you onto his preferred path and get you to accept the packaged deal that he is offering.
As far as I can see, curi really wants to teach people his take on philosophy, that is, he wants to be a guide/mentor/teacher and provide wisdom to his disciples who would be in awe of his sagacity. Money would be useful, but I got the impression that he would do it for free as well (at least to start with). He is in a full proselytizing mode, not interested at all in checking his own ideas for faults and problems, but instead doing everything to push you onto his preferred path and get you to accept the packaged deal that he is offering.