However, research has not shown any way to increase leptin resistance below an individual’s natural baseline sensitivity. That means that if your set-point is higher than the weight you’ve dieted to, your naturally regulated food intake will lead to slowly gaining weight again up to your set point. However, if you get your leptin sensitivity back to normal by losing weight and keeping it off for a while, then the leptin increase caused by acute overeating can help naturally regulate your hunger to help decrease weight gain.
How long is long enough to increase leptin sensitivity?
Anecdotally, people who keep weight off say it requires constant attention, not that they develop a lower set point.
Anecdotally, people who keep weight off say it requires constant attention, not that they develop a lower set point.
This is correct. That’s what I meant by “That means that if your set-point is higher than the weight you’ve dieted to, your naturally regulated food intake will lead to slowly gaining weight again up to your set point.” If your set-point is higher than your weight, then you will still gain weight back if you’re not careful. Once your leptin system is restored to healthy function though, your body is better at regulating its weight. Weight gain at this point is likely to be slow and gradual rather than the rapid “rebound” weight gain that many dieters get if they completely stop their diet without allowing for this system to recover first. Also, since eating a lot makes your produce leptin, if your body is now sensitive to that signal, it will naturally make you less hungry for a little while, whereas if you’re leptin resistant, you feel hungry even when you’ve had enough. This is the benefit. That means that if you follow sensible lifestyle-diet practices even when you’re done with the intense diet phase, you can greatly slow or prevent weight regain. That would be things such as eating whole foods instead of processed foods, fruits and vegetables for fiber, and limit sugar (fructose is the real culprit) and alcohol consumption.
How long is long enough to increase leptin sensitivity?
This one probably varies a lot with the individual. Also, keep in mind that there are different levels of leptin resistance, so recovery follows a curve. From anecdotal reports, it seems that some people can see significant improvement in 4-6 weeks with most people getting significant improvement within 3 months. I think it’s likely that improvements will continue for 6 months to a year depending on the individual.
How long is long enough to increase leptin sensitivity?
Anecdotally, people who keep weight off say it requires constant attention, not that they develop a lower set point.
This is correct. That’s what I meant by “That means that if your set-point is higher than the weight you’ve dieted to, your naturally regulated food intake will lead to slowly gaining weight again up to your set point.” If your set-point is higher than your weight, then you will still gain weight back if you’re not careful. Once your leptin system is restored to healthy function though, your body is better at regulating its weight. Weight gain at this point is likely to be slow and gradual rather than the rapid “rebound” weight gain that many dieters get if they completely stop their diet without allowing for this system to recover first. Also, since eating a lot makes your produce leptin, if your body is now sensitive to that signal, it will naturally make you less hungry for a little while, whereas if you’re leptin resistant, you feel hungry even when you’ve had enough. This is the benefit. That means that if you follow sensible lifestyle-diet practices even when you’re done with the intense diet phase, you can greatly slow or prevent weight regain. That would be things such as eating whole foods instead of processed foods, fruits and vegetables for fiber, and limit sugar (fructose is the real culprit) and alcohol consumption.
This one probably varies a lot with the individual. Also, keep in mind that there are different levels of leptin resistance, so recovery follows a curve. From anecdotal reports, it seems that some people can see significant improvement in 4-6 weeks with most people getting significant improvement within 3 months. I think it’s likely that improvements will continue for 6 months to a year depending on the individual.