It’s more “Ugh, I hate pissing people off on the internet” than “Oh Noes the Governments.” Whether I have good or bad things to say, it’s a contentious and semi-political topic. That said, I’m still probably overreacting.
(I’m more worried that I’ll be wrong about something, that people will badly misinterpret me or misconstrue my beliefs, or that I rub people’s personal issues the wrong way than that I Awaken the Powers That Be by… armchair philosophizing about the influence of culture on PTSD?)
It’s more “Ugh, I hate pissing people off on the internet” than “Oh Noes the Governments.” Whether I have good or bad things to say, it’s a contentious and semi-political topic. That said, I’m still probably overreacting.
(I’m more worried that I’ll be wrong about something, that people will badly misinterpret me or misconstrue my beliefs, or that I rub people’s personal issues the wrong way than that I Awaken the Powers That Be by… armchair philosophizing about the influence of culture on PTSD?)
Ah, gotcha.