One central criticism of this post is its pessimism towards enumerative safety. (i.e. finding all features in the model, or at least all important features). I would be interested to hear how the author / others have updated on the potential of enumerative safety in light of recentprogress on dictionary learning, and finding features which appear to correspond to high-level concepts like truth, utility and sycophancy. It seems clear that there should be some positive update here, but I would be interested in understanding issues which these approaches will not contribute to solving.
One central criticism of this post is its pessimism towards enumerative safety. (i.e. finding all features in the model, or at least all important features). I would be interested to hear how the author / others have updated on the potential of enumerative safety in light of recent progress on dictionary learning, and finding features which appear to correspond to high-level concepts like truth, utility and sycophancy. It seems clear that there should be some positive update here, but I would be interested in understanding issues which these approaches will not contribute to solving.