I figure being referenced in the author’s notes is enough to justify cross posting. I guess I’ll find out if that’s the case. (In the choice between not posting and posting without updating speculation, I decided to rationalize my sloth with a false dichotomy, maybe.)
pervenit pasta
Chapter 14: The Unknown and the Unknowable
HJPEV tells McGonagall about the message for Slytherin’s Heir, refuses point-based reward, receives Time Turner, freaks the fuck out about receiving a time machine to treat his sleep disorder, has another ‘you turned into a cat’ moment, receives invisibility cloak from unknown person, learns what getting lost in Hogwarts entails, pranks himself, learns “There was something wrong with Harry Potter.”
Chapter 21: Rationalization
Hermione deludes herself about why she likes beating HJPEV, chooses love, displays knowledge of Planning Fallacy, claims her prize; HJPEV creeps it up with Draco, claims Hermione as his own, traps Draco with promises of power, mentions that Draco should test the strength of muggleborn magic personally, agrees that human sacrifice is easier than changing his mind, establishes tradition of secrecy in the magical sciences, establishes Bayesian Conspiracy, receives a book, advice, and petty cash from ‘Santa Claus,’ receives 12-candle cake from twins, hears “HE COMES-′ prophecy, summarizes the first 21 chapters for us, and writes home.
Chapter 26: Noticing Confusion
Quirrell dishes a Take That on cannon, lowers room temperatures, thoughtfully tortures inkwell to death, concedes that remedial education for mugleborn students is worthwhile damage control, and is cheered up; HJPEV learns the results of his proxy-prank on Rita Skeeter, is permitted to see uncommon expressions on Quirrell’s face, takes a papercut that this reader once thought might have left Quirrell with a drop of his blood, becomes frustrated when Quirrell claims to have figured the prank out and refuses to share, is thwarted and dismayed at the bank, realizes what he did to Skeeter, is forced to say some things contrary to his good nature, and receives Roger Bacon’s stolen diary; Quirrell foreshadows knowing where the Resurrection Stone is and kills Skeeter.
Chapter 35: Coordination Problems
HJPEV stares down Quirrell in a dispute over government models, Blaise Zabini meets Quirrel’s eyes, while lying, while possessing knowledge of Mr. Hat-and-Cloak, and tells Quirrell and the hidden HJPEV that Dumbledore sent bullies after his cousin; Quirrell sells the story of Dumbledore’s plotting and tells HJPEV that Dumbledore is “insane pretending to be sane pretending to be insane,” then telegraphs his additional meeting to the reader; HJPEV demonstrates a preference for Heroic Sacrifice and shows the reader his allegiance to the muggles, not the magic; Mr. Hat-and-Cloak checks in on Blaise, uses the phrase “Salazar Slytherin would have keyed his monster into the ancient wards at a higher level than the Headmaster himself” which is almost repeated by Quirrell in chapter 49, “some entity which Salazar Slytherin keyed into his wards at a higher level than the Headmaster himself,” and wipes himself from Blaise’s memories; McGonagall tries to talk to Hermione about reasonable safety concerns and what good girls should be up to, fails; HJPEV uses ham-fisted reverse psychology on Draco, succeeds, and confesses his unnatural love for Quirrell.
Chapter 40: Pretending to be Wise
Quirrell lectures HJPEV on becoming vulnerable to Let’s You And Him Fight (which is tragically a trope that diverges from the original meaning of the phrase and so is not linked here), answers some questions about the afterlife, lowers room temperatures, makes a joke with two of his favorite words as the punchline, learns that he already knows where the Resurrection Stone is (despite having justtold HJPEV that he should be careful when sharing information), drops a hint regarding his (modestly successful) quest for immortality, and runs off to steal a Deathly Hallow which he has almost certainly possessed since that very afternoon.
Chapter 43-47: Humanism & Personhood Theory
Dumbledore thinks Dementor Day is part of a cunning plan; Quirrell can teach AK to students who ask; Hermione and HJPEV want to Patronus, but cannot, and so they both embarass themselves and logically enough end up kissing after HJPEV experiences a memory a human brain could not contain and explores Utilitarianism; HJPEV explains his position on death, symbolically kills it while the author reveals the nature of Dementors, then refuses to tell anyone else how it’s done; Quirrell punningly says that he does not mind being called a Death Eater, which is surprising considering what he did to the last person we know of who made that accusation, identifies Dumbledore as the most attractive target in all of Hogwarts, calls HJPEV on Confirmation Bias, and elicits a Top Five Hiding Places list from HJPEV, which turns out to be ‘riddle’ of some sort (or just another opportunity to pun his name in); HJPEV sends Hermione a How To (Symbolically) Defeat Death pamphlet, and figures some things out about his “I Was an Infant Honeypot” origin story, or so he thinks; Draco Patronuses, realizes that HJPEV is a Slytherin, hears about the insidious evils of discrimination, tells HJPEV about Dumbledore’s evil deeds, the two boys talk about their dead mothers and bond under starlight; snakes briefly appear sentient
HJPEV lies to McGonagall; Dumbledore’s Patronus can hunt; HJPEV dominates Bella, his dark side, his invisibility cloak, and a handful of Dementors, he hides from Dumbledore and transfigures some impressive things
Chapter 63: The Stanford Prison Experiment, Aftermaths
HJPEV & Hermione talk about what Phoenixes are for; HJPEV trusts Draco with a letter form Lucius; Neville does not get the support he might have expected from HJPEV in his proposed vengeance on Bella; Lesath Lestrange pledges himself to HJPEV, fails; Amelia Bones learns that someone was looking out for her people, draws the wrong conclusions in entirely an understandable fashion; Dumbledore tells the twins not to let HJPEV out of Hogwarts for any reason, appears successful; Moody supplies some of the best not-quite internal monologue in the whole fic while he and Snape punk the wrong bones; HJPEV muses on the nature and consequences of dishonesty and other depressing things related to human nature, then gets all mortal and human with Hermione, but not that way; Santa Claus strikes again; Sybill Trelawney speaks prophesies we are not told.
Chapter 66: Self Actualization
HJPEV cares about what Draco and Hermione think of him, tells Quirrell so; Hermione hears that HJPEV and Neville have been hanging with Edward and learning to be hardcore; HJPEV and Neville are hanging with Edward and learning to be hardcore.
Chapter 73-77: Self Actualization and Sunk Costs
It’s an adventure. Lots of things happen. It’s all too close to be sure of what parts are hints about what, except for Mr. Hat-and-Cloak, who we are to understand is most certainly Quirrell, hitting Hermione with a dictionary attack and turning her into someone less useful to HJPEV, I guess.
time travel
unknown ex-cloak-possessor who says the cloak itself wanted to return to HJPEV and references history repeating itself
what is wrong with HJPEV
Hermione rationalizes
HJPEV claims Hermione in front of Draco and threatens harm to any who’d do her harm
unknown ex-cloak-possessor appears to possess incomplete information
the big damn prank
the Resurrection Stone
Roger Bacon’s diary
Quirrell wouldn’t leave Blaise’s mind unread while Blaise lied to him, so knows about Mr. Hat-and-Cloak
Quirrell runs off after Blaise, then Blaise meets Mr. Hat-and-Cloak
Quirrell is Mr. Hat-and-Cloak. We’re supposed to get this.
Lucius is a gun pointed at whomever he thinks threatens his son.
You got that part where You-Know-Damn-Well-Who has the fucking Resurrection Stone now, didn’t you?
It’s possible we should find and compare all the times the narrator comments on the things cooling down. This could be some Sixth Sense shit, you know?
Hermione’s feelings for HJPEV?
What was everyone else to on Dementor Day?
The hiding places and how HJPEV guessed them?
There’s a lot of material here, but I don’t understand what of it is related to chapter 78
How to fuck with Dementors?
Dumbledore’s Patronus can ID HJPEV’s Patronus?
Again, I don’t understand how this relates to chapter 78
There are probable clues in every Santa Claus letter that we’re supposed to make sense out of now or soon
There’s another prophesy, but once again it’s kept from the readers
Just who was meant to hear that prophesy, anyway?
What role, if any, did Lesath play in the Bully arc?
Almost certainly the clue here is that HJPEV values Hermione and Draco’s regard for him, and Quirrell means to change that
Mr. Hat-and-Cloak asks Hermione important questions and gives out important details in the asking
Mr. Hat-and-Cloak might almost have justified his opinion of HJPEV based on time travel, maybe
I figure being referenced in the author’s notes is enough to justify cross posting. I guess I’ll find out if that’s the case. (In the choice between not posting and posting without updating speculation, I decided to rationalize my sloth with a false dichotomy, maybe.)
pervenit pasta
Chapter 14: The Unknown and the Unknowable
HJPEV tells McGonagall about the message for Slytherin’s Heir, refuses point-based reward, receives Time Turner, freaks the fuck out about receiving a time machine to treat his sleep disorder, has another ‘you turned into a cat’ moment, receives invisibility cloak from unknown person, learns what getting lost in Hogwarts entails, pranks himself, learns “There was something wrong with Harry Potter.”
Chapter 21: Rationalization
Hermione deludes herself about why she likes beating HJPEV, chooses love, displays knowledge of Planning Fallacy, claims her prize; HJPEV creeps it up with Draco, claims Hermione as his own, traps Draco with promises of power, mentions that Draco should test the strength of muggleborn magic personally, agrees that human sacrifice is easier than changing his mind, establishes tradition of secrecy in the magical sciences, establishes Bayesian Conspiracy, receives a book, advice, and petty cash from ‘Santa Claus,’ receives 12-candle cake from twins, hears “HE COMES-′ prophecy, summarizes the first 21 chapters for us, and writes home.
Chapter 26: Noticing Confusion
Quirrell dishes a Take That on cannon, lowers room temperatures, thoughtfully tortures inkwell to death, concedes that remedial education for mugleborn students is worthwhile damage control, and is cheered up; HJPEV learns the results of his proxy-prank on Rita Skeeter, is permitted to see uncommon expressions on Quirrell’s face, takes a papercut that this reader once thought might have left Quirrell with a drop of his blood, becomes frustrated when Quirrell claims to have figured the prank out and refuses to share, is thwarted and dismayed at the bank, realizes what he did to Skeeter, is forced to say some things contrary to his good nature, and receives Roger Bacon’s stolen diary; Quirrell foreshadows knowing where the Resurrection Stone is and kills Skeeter.
Chapter 35: Coordination Problems
HJPEV stares down Quirrell in a dispute over government models, Blaise Zabini meets Quirrel’s eyes, while lying, while possessing knowledge of Mr. Hat-and-Cloak, and tells Quirrell and the hidden HJPEV that Dumbledore sent bullies after his cousin; Quirrell sells the story of Dumbledore’s plotting and tells HJPEV that Dumbledore is “insane pretending to be sane pretending to be insane,” then telegraphs his additional meeting to the reader; HJPEV demonstrates a preference for Heroic Sacrifice and shows the reader his allegiance to the muggles, not the magic; Mr. Hat-and-Cloak checks in on Blaise, uses the phrase “Salazar Slytherin would have keyed his monster into the ancient wards at a higher level than the Headmaster himself” which is almost repeated by Quirrell in chapter 49, “some entity which Salazar Slytherin keyed into his wards at a higher level than the Headmaster himself,” and wipes himself from Blaise’s memories; McGonagall tries to talk to Hermione about reasonable safety concerns and what good girls should be up to, fails; HJPEV uses ham-fisted reverse psychology on Draco, succeeds, and confesses his unnatural love for Quirrell.
Chapter 40: Pretending to be Wise
Quirrell lectures HJPEV on becoming vulnerable to Let’s You And Him Fight (which is tragically a trope that diverges from the original meaning of the phrase and so is not linked here), answers some questions about the afterlife, lowers room temperatures, makes a joke with two of his favorite words as the punchline, learns that he already knows where the Resurrection Stone is (despite having just told HJPEV that he should be careful when sharing information), drops a hint regarding his (modestly successful) quest for immortality, and runs off to steal a Deathly Hallow which he has almost certainly possessed since that very afternoon.
Chapter 43-47: Humanism & Personhood Theory
Dumbledore thinks Dementor Day is part of a cunning plan; Quirrell can teach AK to students who ask; Hermione and HJPEV want to Patronus, but cannot, and so they both embarass themselves and logically enough end up kissing after HJPEV experiences a memory a human brain could not contain and explores Utilitarianism; HJPEV explains his position on death, symbolically kills it while the author reveals the nature of Dementors, then refuses to tell anyone else how it’s done; Quirrell punningly says that he does not mind being called a Death Eater, which is surprising considering what he did to the last person we know of who made that accusation, identifies Dumbledore as the most attractive target in all of Hogwarts, calls HJPEV on Confirmation Bias, and elicits a Top Five Hiding Places list from HJPEV, which turns out to be ‘riddle’ of some sort (or just another opportunity to pun his name in); HJPEV sends Hermione a How To (Symbolically) Defeat Death pamphlet, and figures some things out about his “I Was an Infant Honeypot” origin story, or so he thinks; Draco Patronuses, realizes that HJPEV is a Slytherin, hears about the insidious evils of discrimination, tells HJPEV about Dumbledore’s evil deeds, the two boys talk about their dead mothers and bond under starlight; snakes briefly appear sentient
Chapter 56: The Stanford Prison Experiment, Constrained Optimization & Constrained Cognition
HJPEV lies to McGonagall; Dumbledore’s Patronus can hunt; HJPEV dominates Bella, his dark side, his invisibility cloak, and a handful of Dementors, he hides from Dumbledore and transfigures some impressive things
Chapter 63: The Stanford Prison Experiment, Aftermaths
HJPEV & Hermione talk about what Phoenixes are for; HJPEV trusts Draco with a letter form Lucius; Neville does not get the support he might have expected from HJPEV in his proposed vengeance on Bella; Lesath Lestrange pledges himself to HJPEV, fails; Amelia Bones learns that someone was looking out for her people, draws the wrong conclusions in entirely an understandable fashion; Dumbledore tells the twins not to let HJPEV out of Hogwarts for any reason, appears successful; Moody supplies some of the best not-quite internal monologue in the whole fic while he and Snape punk the wrong bones; HJPEV muses on the nature and consequences of dishonesty and other depressing things related to human nature, then gets all mortal and human with Hermione, but not that way; Santa Claus strikes again; Sybill Trelawney speaks prophesies we are not told.
Chapter 66: Self Actualization
HJPEV cares about what Draco and Hermione think of him, tells Quirrell so; Hermione hears that HJPEV and Neville have been hanging with Edward and learning to be hardcore; HJPEV and Neville are hanging with Edward and learning to be hardcore.
Chapter 73-77: Self Actualization and Sunk Costs
It’s an adventure. Lots of things happen. It’s all too close to be sure of what parts are hints about what, except for Mr. Hat-and-Cloak, who we are to understand is most certainly Quirrell, hitting Hermione with a dictionary attack and turning her into someone less useful to HJPEV, I guess.
time travel
unknown ex-cloak-possessor who says the cloak itself wanted to return to HJPEV and references history repeating itself
what is wrong with HJPEV
Hermione rationalizes
HJPEV claims Hermione in front of Draco and threatens harm to any who’d do her harm
unknown ex-cloak-possessor appears to possess incomplete information
the big damn prank
the Resurrection Stone
Roger Bacon’s diary
Quirrell wouldn’t leave Blaise’s mind unread while Blaise lied to him, so knows about Mr. Hat-and-Cloak
Quirrell runs off after Blaise, then Blaise meets Mr. Hat-and-Cloak
Quirrell is Mr. Hat-and-Cloak. We’re supposed to get this.
Lucius is a gun pointed at whomever he thinks threatens his son.
You got that part where You-Know-Damn-Well-Who has the fucking Resurrection Stone now, didn’t you?
It’s possible we should find and compare all the times the narrator comments on the things cooling down. This could be some Sixth Sense shit, you know?
Hermione’s feelings for HJPEV?
What was everyone else to on Dementor Day?
The hiding places and how HJPEV guessed them?
There’s a lot of material here, but I don’t understand what of it is related to chapter 78
How to fuck with Dementors?
Dumbledore’s Patronus can ID HJPEV’s Patronus?
Again, I don’t understand how this relates to chapter 78
There are probable clues in every Santa Claus letter that we’re supposed to make sense out of now or soon
There’s another prophesy, but once again it’s kept from the readers
Just who was meant to hear that prophesy, anyway?
What role, if any, did Lesath play in the Bully arc?
Almost certainly the clue here is that HJPEV values Hermione and Draco’s regard for him, and Quirrell means to change that
Mr. Hat-and-Cloak asks Hermione important questions and gives out important details in the asking
Mr. Hat-and-Cloak might almost have justified his opinion of HJPEV based on time travel, maybe
The prize was that Quirrell gets to teach students the killing curse.
Thank you. I’ve corrected the post.