The (Catholic) values are already calculated until at least 2200.
There is a possibility that the algorithm may change, because currently different branches of Christianity use different algorithms, and many of them agree that it would be great to coordinate on the same date of Easter.
Seems to me that the problem is mostly political. Even if “everyone agreeing on the date of Easter” is higher in your utility function than “keeping our old algorithm”, adopting your competitor’s algorithm still costs you status, but new proposed algorithms are not Schelling points.
Current proposals for universal Easter time ;) include:
use the traditional algorithm based on Gregorian calendar (between March 22nd and April 25th);
use the traditional algorithm based on Julian calendar (between April 4th and May 8th);
use a modified algorithm based on Gregorian calendar, using the latest scientific definition of “beginning of the spring” at the meridian of Jerusalem (proposed by World Council of Churches);
Main problem seems to be that the Orthodox church, seeing that the sun was agreeing with the pope, proceeded to declare the sun to be heretic and anathema and to keep its traditional computation.
But the “WCoC” and “simple” solutions seems to be better Schelling points that “do as Catholic do cause the pope has the biggest hat”.
The (Catholic) values are already calculated until at least 2200.
There is a possibility that the algorithm may change, because currently different branches of Christianity use different algorithms, and many of them agree that it would be great to coordinate on the same date of Easter.
Seems to me that the problem is mostly political. Even if “everyone agreeing on the date of Easter” is higher in your utility function than “keeping our old algorithm”, adopting your competitor’s algorithm still costs you status, but new proposed algorithms are not Schelling points.
Current proposals for universal Easter time ;) include:
use the traditional algorithm based on Gregorian calendar (between March 22nd and April 25th);
use the traditional algorithm based on Julian calendar (between April 4th and May 8th);
use a modified algorithm based on Gregorian calendar, using the latest scientific definition of “beginning of the spring” at the meridian of Jerusalem (proposed by World Council of Churches);
keep it simple, e.g. the second Sunday of April.
Main problem seems to be that the Orthodox church, seeing that the sun was agreeing with the pope, proceeded to declare the sun to be heretic and anathema and to keep its traditional computation.
But the “WCoC” and “simple” solutions seems to be better Schelling points that “do as Catholic do cause the pope has the biggest hat”.