We could perform a more optimized search for things that are definitely faces according to the discriminator, and we would likely get something horrifying.
Sure you could do that, but people usually don’t—unless they intentionally want something horrifying. So if your argument is now “sure, new ML systems totally can solve the faciness problem, but only if you choose to use them correctly”—then great, finally we agree.
Interestingly enough in diffusion planning models if you crank up the discriminator you get trajectories that are higher utility but increasingly unrealistic. You get lower utility trajectories by cranking down the discriminator.
Sure you could do that, but people usually don’t—unless they intentionally want something horrifying. So if your argument is now “sure, new ML systems totally can solve the faciness problem, but only if you choose to use them correctly”—then great, finally we agree.
Interestingly enough in diffusion planning models if you crank up the discriminator you get trajectories that are higher utility but increasingly unrealistic. You get lower utility trajectories by cranking down the discriminator.