A super-powerful agent who is desperate to prove itself to her! That’s the perfect opportunity! Unless she messes up the requested ‘proof’ she has can become a demi-god, just below the Omega (until Omega cracks it with her).
“If you are Omnipotent please prove it by giving me a pet genie.”
“Genie, I want you to create an FAI that has my CEV.”
“Genie, please do whatever my FAI tells you to.”
That should result in an exponentially growing multiverse of universes, with each universe self-replicating on a sub-nano-second time frame while simultaniously expanding in size and neg-entropy, all arranged for maximum Fun. Still not proof of Omnipotence but hey, it’ll do.
A super-powerful agent who is desperate to prove itself to her! That’s the perfect opportunity! Unless she messes up the requested ‘proof’ she has can become a demi-god, just below the Omega (until Omega cracks it with her).
“If you are Omnipotent please prove it by giving me a pet genie.”
“Genie, I want you to create an FAI that has my CEV.”
“Genie, please do whatever my FAI tells you to.”
That should result in an exponentially growing multiverse of universes, with each universe self-replicating on a sub-nano-second time frame while simultaniously expanding in size and neg-entropy, all arranged for maximum Fun. Still not proof of Omnipotence but hey, it’ll do.