Yes, I invented the idea of “philosophical hurdles” ages ago. For every “topic” there are some set of philosophical hurdles you have to overcome to even start approaching the right position. These hurdles can be surprisingly obscure. Perhaps you don’t have quite enough math exposure and your concepts of infinity are a bit off, or you’re aren’t as solidly reductionistic as others and therefore your concept of identity is marginally weakened—anything like these can dramatically alter your entire life, goals, and decisions—and it can take a significant amount of time and motivated conversation before you can debug someone’s belief system to identify exactly what hurdle they are stuck on (and fixing it is a whole other problem, usually there are hurdles to overcome before you can overcome hurdles, and then more before that...). And any small confusion in metaphysics or epistemology (let alone ethics or politics) seems to limit your soul to a certain point, beyond which you can’t proceed to the next philosophic hurdle. And these are pretty advanced problems to have anyway, you have to already be pretty intelligent, well-educated, and have some strong rationalist skills to really have a chance at overcoming the sheer burden of human bias in the first place.
Yes, I invented the idea of “philosophical hurdles” ages ago. For every “topic” there are some set of philosophical hurdles you have to overcome to even start approaching the right position. These hurdles can be surprisingly obscure. Perhaps you don’t have quite enough math exposure and your concepts of infinity are a bit off, or you’re aren’t as solidly reductionistic as others and therefore your concept of identity is marginally weakened—anything like these can dramatically alter your entire life, goals, and decisions—and it can take a significant amount of time and motivated conversation before you can debug someone’s belief system to identify exactly what hurdle they are stuck on (and fixing it is a whole other problem, usually there are hurdles to overcome before you can overcome hurdles, and then more before that...). And any small confusion in metaphysics or epistemology (let alone ethics or politics) seems to limit your soul to a certain point, beyond which you can’t proceed to the next philosophic hurdle. And these are pretty advanced problems to have anyway, you have to already be pretty intelligent, well-educated, and have some strong rationalist skills to really have a chance at overcoming the sheer burden of human bias in the first place.
Invented for yourself, but such hurdles are very old.
Oh, excellent. I’m one of today’s lucky 10,000!