A true deontologists who thought that torture is bad would not torture anyone, no matter what the circumstances.Obviously, this is silly
No. That is not obvious. You are probably being misled by thought experiments where it is stipulated that so-and-so really does have life-saving information and really would yield it under torture. In real life, things are not so simple. You might have the wrong person. They might be capable of resisiting torture. They might die under torture. They might go insane under torture They might lie and give you disonformation that harms your cause. Your cause might be wrong..you might be the bad guy...
Real life is always much more complex and messy than maths.
No. That is not obvious. You are probably being misled by thought experiments where it is stipulated that so-and-so really does have life-saving information and really would yield it under torture. In real life, things are not so simple. You might have the wrong person. They might be capable of resisiting torture. They might die under torture. They might go insane under torture They might lie and give you disonformation that harms your cause. Your cause might be wrong..you might be the bad guy...
Real life is always much more complex and messy than maths.
No it isn’t. It’s just more complex and messy than trivial maths.
If its too non-trivial for your brain to handle as maths, it might as well not be maths