The degree to which one would see this as a major downside would be strongly correlated with the factors that cause one to start taking HRT. There is a popular TERF narrative that detransitioners universally realise that everything was a mistake and regret the physical changes. From observation, however, this is rare and, if there’s any concrete concrete identifiable reason for detransition like “I found Jesus Christ”, detransitioners tend to not express significant levels of distress about the fact that they experienced physical changes.
The degree to which one would see this as a major downside would be strongly correlated with the factors that cause one to start taking HRT. There is a popular TERF narrative that detransitioners universally realise that everything was a mistake and regret the physical changes. From observation, however, this is rare and, if there’s any concrete concrete identifiable reason for detransition like “I found Jesus Christ”, detransitioners tend to not express significant levels of distress about the fact that they experienced physical changes.