Data-driven donations to help Democrats win federal elections: an update

Link post

Linking to an update to an earlier post about how to make effective donations for the upcoming election. There are groups that can turn out 5x as many voters per dollar as the official campaigns can, and I want everyone to know and talk about the cool work they’re doing! This late in the cycle, most donations will probably go to linearly-scaling programs like text and mail campaigns, but fortunately, there are approaches that are proven to work even in noisy, heated, heavily-spammed elections like the 2022 generals and GA Senate runoff.

As before I am not assuming that everyone in this community believes that intervening in US elections is worthwhile, or wants Democrats to win, or should believe or want these things, but for those who already do, I hope you find this useful!

A text message with personalized info about the voter's polling location and a photo of the building
Randomized controlled trials found this text from Movement Labs causes people to vote who otherwise would not have voted.

Brief summary of takeaways (see the full post for explanation):