Solomonoff’s only assumption is that the environment follows some unknown but computable probability distribution. Everything else is a mathematically proven theorem which come from this only assumption, and the traditional axioms and definitions of Math.
So if for you “the map” means “follows some unknown computable probability distribution” then you are right in the sense that if you disagree with this assumption, the theorem is not valid anymore.
But a lot of scientists do make the assumption that there exists at least one useful computable theory and that their job is to find it.
Yes, there is a connection between “the length of the shortest program that generates exactly the message coming from the environment” (the Kolmogorov Complexity of this message ) and “unknown but computable probabililty distribution”.
“unknown but computable” means there is a program, but we don’t know anything about it, including its size. There is an infinite number of possible programs, and an infinite number of lengths of such programs. But we know that the sum of all the probabilities from “the probability distribution” of all programs that could generate the environment must be exactly equal to one, as per Math’s definition of probability.
Let me quote Shane Legg about it:
“Over a denumerable (infinite but countable) space you mathematically can’t put a non-zero uniform prior because it will always sum to more than one. Thus, some elements have to have higher prior probability than others. Now if you order these elements according to some complexity measure (any total ordering will do, so the choice of complexity function makes no difference), then the boundedness of the probability sum means that the supremium of the sequence converges to zero. Thus, for very general learning systems, and for any complexity measure you like, you can only violate Occam’s razor locally. Eventually, as things get more complex, their probabilities must decrease.
Solomonoff’s only assumption is that the environment follows some unknown but computable probability distribution. Everything else is a mathematically proven theorem which come from this only assumption, and the traditional axioms and definitions of Math.
So if for you “the map” means “follows some unknown computable probability distribution” then you are right in the sense that if you disagree with this assumption, the theorem is not valid anymore.
But a lot of scientists do make the assumption that there exists at least one useful computable theory and that their job is to find it.
The problem is the “minimum message lenght”. This is a property of the map, wich tell us about nothing about the territory.
Well, unless there is a direct connection between message lenght and “unknown but computable probability distribution” ?
Yes, there is a connection between “the length of the shortest program that generates exactly the message coming from the environment” (the Kolmogorov Complexity of this message ) and “unknown but computable probabililty distribution”.
“unknown but computable” means there is a program, but we don’t know anything about it, including its size. There is an infinite number of possible programs, and an infinite number of lengths of such programs. But we know that the sum of all the probabilities from “the probability distribution” of all programs that could generate the environment must be exactly equal to one, as per Math’s definition of probability.
Let me quote Shane Legg about it:
“Over a denumerable (infinite but countable) space you mathematically can’t put a non-zero uniform prior because it will always sum to more than one. Thus, some elements have to have higher prior probability than others. Now if you order these elements according to some complexity measure (any total ordering will do, so the choice of complexity function makes no difference), then the boundedness of the probability sum means that the supremium of the sequence converges to zero. Thus, for very general learning systems, and for any complexity measure you like, you can only violate Occam’s razor locally. Eventually, as things get more complex, their probabilities must decrease.
In summary: if you want to do pure Bayesian learning over very large spaces you must set a prior that globally respects a kind of Occam’s razor. It’s not a matter of belief, it’s a mathematical necessity.”
thanks for the elaboration and the link.