Zenodo is a pretty accepted solution to data-durability in academia (https://zenodo.org). There’s no reason you couldn’t upload papers there (and indeed they host papers/conference proceedings/etc.). Uploads get assigned a DOI and get versioning, get indexed for citation purposes, etc.
If I were starting a journal it would probably look like “Zenodo for hosting, some AirTable or GitHub workflow for (quick) refereeing/editorial workflow.”
Zenodo is a pretty accepted solution to data-durability in academia (https://zenodo.org). There’s no reason you couldn’t upload papers there (and indeed they host papers/conference proceedings/etc.). Uploads get assigned a DOI and get versioning, get indexed for citation purposes, etc.
If I were starting a journal it would probably look like “Zenodo for hosting, some AirTable or GitHub workflow for (quick) refereeing/editorial workflow.”